GreenCircle’s Certified Environmental Facts Label Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly
GreenCircle’s Certified Environmental Facts (CEF) Label is the most transparent multi-attribute label in the industry. It is customizable and as easy to read as a nutrition label. The CEF tells the complete sustainability story of your products and manufacturing operations. Every attribute on the CEF label is verified by GreenCircle.
CEF Pathways - Carbon Footprint Reduction
CEF requires a site audit by GreenCircle for all facilities manufacturing the product being certified.
Requires a product specific carbon footprint reduction in emissions at the manufacturing plant, through energy usage reduction via process improvements or plant upgrades, or transition to increased renewable energy.
GreenCircle can allocate the reduction in emissions to products on a per unit basis.
In order to achieve CEF label certification, you must also achieve one of the following manufacturing specific attributes: Energy Usage Reduction, Renewable Energy Usage, and/or Carbon Free Electricity.
Additional attributes will be added based on choice, allowing you to “show the world what you’re made of.”
GreenCircle’s CEF Label takes up to 75 business days to complete.
Frequently Asked Questions
Requires a product-specific carbon footprint reduction of at least 1% and at minimum one manufacturing-specific attribute.
Manufacturing Stage: Reductions in Carbon Emissions at the manufacturing site the product is produced at could qualify.
Manufacturing Stage: Your company will need to calculate the manufacturing site’s energy usage per product unit, compared to a 12-month baseline period, within five years.
Onsite renewable energy, owned and operated by your company and your company owns the renewable energy credits (RECs)
Virtual Power Purchase Agreements with a long-term contract and your company owns the renewable energy credits (RECs)
Green Supply Contract, RECs must be Green-e certified or equivalent
Offsite carbon free electricity EFEC (emission free electricity certificates) or renewable energy credits (RECs); Green-e certified or equivalent
Energy Use Reduction
Water Use Reduction
Waste Reduction
Waste Diversion from Landfill
Renewable Electricity or Carbon Free Electricity Increase
GreenCircle can conduct an audit for just one manufacturing attribute.
GreenCircle will need to audit each manufacturing site. Each manufacturing facility needs to have, at a minimum, one manufacturing attribute for the CEF label (energy use reduction, waste reduction, etc.) to qualify for the “Certified Environmental Facts” label.
All products that are exclusively produced at this manufacturing site have the potential of being certified and can be added to the certification scope.
The product must have a minimum of six months of data.
Yes, GreenCircle would need the correct data from both facilities (energy and production). Original site data would correspond to the baseline year.
GCC requires 12 months of data for baseline year and 12 months for current year.
New changes/products can be accepted with minimum of six months data.
The certification is a three-year cycle with annual check-ins.
The original process is followed after the three-year expiration of the certification cycle.
During GreenCircle’s data request, our team will ask for your Amazon ASIN numbers. After the completion of the certification, GreenCircle will provide your product ASIN numbers to Amazon and within five business days, your product pages will contain the Climate Pledge Friendly badge.
Podcast Episode
Everything You Need to Know About
Third-Party Certifications
Podcast Episode
Everything You Need to Know About the Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly Program with Giselle Gonzales from Amazon
If you would like to read our Carbon Footprint Reduction Certification Guidelines, click the button below to download.
Contact Us
Ryan Heins
Account Manager
Email: Ryan@GreenCircleCertified.com
Office Phone: 610-569-1047 x115
Mobile Phone: 609-980-0183